Updates on the writing journey

Here's an update on the different facets of the Mirror of Sparrows writing journey. As always, thank you for reading and caring! #RevPit If you read my last post, you'll know I participated in #RevPit - a Twitter writing contest during which editors select writers they would like to give free editorial services to. It was a fantastic, … Continue reading Updates on the writing journey

#RevPit and the revised Chapter 1

This morning I woke up at 3 am to submit a query letter and the first five pages of Mirror of Sparrows to #RevPit. #RevPit gifts writers the opportunity to work with an editor for five weeks. I'm competing against hundreds of writers who've all worked really hard on their stories. My hope is that … Continue reading #RevPit and the revised Chapter 1

On why rough drafts should be kept secret.

For writers' sakes, it's important to distinguish between what words, especially rough drafts, are meant for the public and what words might be best kept private. Private writing should be guarded with care. Why? You wouldn't want a stranger or unkind person reading your journal (or anyone, for that matter), right? For the same reason, … Continue reading On why rough drafts should be kept secret.